- Salesforce Development Posts by Matt Lacey

Salesforce Stack Exchange Site — So Close!

Posted: 2012-07-20

It seems to me that time in the southern hemisphere somehow passes at a greater rate than it does in the North; clearly this is not the case but it's something that's felt like reality since I moved to Australia from the UK. Even taking this temporal quirk into consideration, I still can't quite get my head around the fact that it's been over six months since I first created the Area 51 proposal for a Salesforce/ Stack Exchange site.

We Have Backing!

The latest development in this effort, which has seen me spamming my poor Twitter followers on a regular basis, is that Salesforce have openly declared their support for the proposal. Stack Exchange noticed the speed at which we've managed to grow the list of committed users, opened up discussion channels, and here we are. I can't emphasise enough the extent to which I've been amazed by the groundswell generated around this, the community picked up on this idea and ran with it. It's put a smile on my face every time I've seen a tweet or post on networks such an Linked In and Google Plus promoting the proposal. Our latest stats (at the time of writing) show that we have 210 people committed to the proposal, with 40 of those having more than 200 reputation points elsewhere on the Stack Exchange network of sites.

It's clear that we're inching ever closer to a live public beta, and there is even an off chance that the proposal will be fast tracked, offering some leeway on the requirement for 100 established users. Frankly, I'm starting to feel a tad anxious. I truly believe in the model and idea that the site will swiftly become one of, if not the, best places for harnessing the expertise of the community and assisting one another; I just hope that the wider community (those who have not yet seen the proposal, or who have doubts regarding it) discover it to be the high quality, low noise, resource that it has the potential to be.

Getting to where we are has been a community effort, the support has been sensational, and I'm very excited to see what we can all create when we band together. Nice work guys!

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